Get on Track in Every Area of Your Life

IMPLEMENTOR™ will help you set goals, take action and keep you accountable in all four major areas of life.


Heath & Fitness

In order to create the successful life and thriving career you desire, you’re going to need the energy, strength and stamina it takes to engage and sustain your efforts. Many of us often take our health for granted but logically we know better. This body we’ve been given, it’s the only one we’ve got and we all want to make it last as long as we can.

Get on track with your fitness targets so you can live and enjoy your life to the fullest.


Money & Finances

Do you ever find yourself worrying about money? If you have, you’re definitely not alone. Most of us have done it. From the bills we pay to the savings we’d like to accumulate, to the lifestyle and the things we would like to have, our money and financial decisions play a significant role in each of our lives. We each seek a level of prosperity and financial security that is right for us.

Figure out exactly what kind of life you want to live financially.


Family & Personal

So many of the best things in life involve others. Our friends, family and the ones we love. How these people fit into our lives is different for each of us, but if you stop and think for a moment about the best things in life, the most important memorable times of your life so far, it’s hard to imagine this without thinking of friends, family or those we love.

Get clear what we really want for your family, friends, relationships and for yourself.


Business & Career

Whether you are working for a company or you make your livelihood independently, you need to figure out and capture the things you’d like to focus on. We will guide you through topics like communication, time management, personal development and many more. By the time you’re done, you’ll have an actionable list of goals to help you be more effective and produce the results you’re looking for.

Understand where you want go in your career and the steps necessary to get you there.

Core Features

Interactive, Streaming Goal Setting Workshops

It’s all done for you and ready to roll. Simply log in, push play and the streaming interactive goal setting experience begins. Brainstorming goals has never been easier.

Optimization Workshop Instantly Actionable Plans

Goals and lists are great, but not much will be accomplished without specific action plans, deadlines and some vision. You will experience all of this and more during the streaming optimization workshop.

Ongoing Coaching Support & Accountability

Many a New Years resolution is in the rear view mirror by February 1st. To start taking action, create momentum, and actually achieve you need support. The more consistent, the better. It’s built in and automatic, just choose your setting and we do the rest.

Personal Goal Setting Interactive Experience

The Personal Goal-Setting Workshop inside of IMPLEMENTOR™ is like being a kid making a Christmas list. You get the chance to think about all the key areas of your life and what you want. It’s one of our users favorite experiences.

Business Goal Setting Interactive Experience

It’s down to business in the streaming Business Goal-Setting Workshop. Many of our users say it’s the best brainstorming opportunity they’ve ever experienced. Laying the foundation for an exciting time ahead – of action and accomplishment.

Action Planning Interactive Experience

During the Optimization Workshop this is where the rubber starts to meet the road. Time to start putting down in writing the actions that need taking and many of the details that will get things moving in the right direction.

Coach MAC The A.I. Coach Mobile Automated Coach

We all perform better when we have a Coach. Someone to help us stay focused. Someone to remind us of the most important things. A Coach helps us hold the vision and return to what’s important when we stray off course and go chasing after a squirrel. Coach MAC does all of this – using text, email and video.

Vision Boards Come to Life Your Own Personal Movie

You have probably heard of dreamboards or visionboards. We take these a few steps further and help you to create Stream-Boards™. Powerful motivating images of what you want, combined with your favorite motivational soundtrack. Watch this movie regularly and it all but guarantees you’ll achieve what you are after.

Accountability Made Simple. 4 Key Questions

Skip this step and achievement is probably not going to be a reality. We built an effective, yet amazingly simple, process to create personal accountability into a DIY process and 4 simple questions. Keep this process going once or twice a month and you will achieve!

Decide on Actions to begin taking. See the Goals and Actions every week. Be accountable to yourself, your plans and your dreams - by meeting, every month, with an Accountability Buddy - discuss your actions, results and adjustments.

Start living the life you've always wanted.